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This is what I think...

Cubs vs. Cardinals

I think that the Cubs totally rule. I am personally sick of the Cardinals. I get all wound up when I see a Cardinal shirt, hat, or even a Cardinal fan. The Cardinals are jeopradizing fanhood for the Cubs. Just back away from me if you are a Cardinal fan. (especially Mr. Bennett) (jk)


I think that love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is if you actually have a boyfriend and are wanted. Otherwise is really just ticks you off. I mean there are all those sweet love stories that seem so cute and you wish they would happen to you. The only thing is you seem to have to popular or very pretty to have those things happen to you. I love love, but I don't have a love. It stinks!


I think that boys are just plainly stupid. They are getting on my nerves. They make no sense. They seem to want girlfriends and everything by flirting with you all the time and making you feel important and stuff. Then when you ask them out, they say no because they like someone else or are in another relationship. I think they shouldn't flirt unless they really like you and stuff. It is really confusing! Right now I am in a boy-hating fase. But I have a good reason! This boy thing has happened to every boy I have EVER asked out! (even though that count is 2)

Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts and opinions? I'd like to hear what you think. Check out my "Get ahold of me" page to send me e-mail.

Dumbo, Zippy, Mr. Fine Bootay, Goofy, Chip, Magnet, and LDB are all cool!!! (and hot!)